You may have noticed a theme with our breakfasts lately…they’re all in the form of a fruit bowl. These Papaya Yogurt Bowls combine some of our favorite things:

  1. A high protein breakfast
  2. Tropical fruit!


Ever since we got back from our Florida vacation, and the weather has been warming up in MN, we have been OBSESSED with tropical fruit – papaya in particular. We have probably eaten papaya almost daily since we got back – with a squeeze of lime juice, of course! Today’s breakfast was so quick, simple and delicious that we had to share. Eating healthy can be fun, delicious and nutritious all at the same time.


Here’s what you’ll need:

1 papaya

1 cup plain Greek yogurt

1/4 cup cashews

2 Tbs shredded coconut

1 lime, sliced



  1. Prep papaya by slicing and removing seeds
  2. Fill with remaining ingredients


Nutrition Facts:

Total Servings: 1

Calories: 430

Protein: 28.7g

Carbs: 40.1g

Fat: 16.9g


If you’re feeling fancy…

Add some chia seeds


Toss in your favorite berries


Drizzle with some honey