Peach Cobbler
A healthy twist on a summer classic – you can’t go wrong!
1 peach
2 Tbs rolled oats
1 Tbs chopped pecans
1 tsp raw honey
2 tsp water
pinch of cinnamon
- Preheat oven to 350F
- Cut peach into halves, remove pit to create a small cavity in each half
- Combine remaining ingredients together to create crumble
- Fill each cavity with the mixture
- Bake for 20-25 minutes, or until peach is tender
Nutrition Facts:
Total Servings: 2
Calories: 67
Protein: 1.4g
Carbs: 10g
Fat: 2.9g
If you’re feeling fancy…
Swap the peach for a different, more seasonal fruit like and apple or pear
use the crumble as your new go-to granola