If you made it this far, we are guessing you’re already sold on this and want the recipe…there generally isn’t much selling that needs to happen to convince people to eat something that has the words Chocolate AND Peanut Butter in the name, but just in case…this recipe is super simple and quick to whip up, and it is great for just about anything – a midday snack, pre-workout pick-me-up, late night sweet tooth, an on-the-go breakfast, road trip snacks, the list goes on, but we think you get the point!


Here’s what you’ll need:

1 C oats
1/3 C 100% pure maple syrup
1 C natural PB or other nut butter
2 T dark chocolate chips
1 T chia seeds



  1. Combine ingredients
  2. Roll into desired sized balls


Nutrition Facts:

Total Servings: 12

Calories: 191

Protein: 5.8g

Carbs: 17.7

Fat: 12.3g


If you’re feeling fancy

Swap the peanut butter for almond or cashew butter


Add shredded coconut


Toss in some chopped nuts for an added crunch


Spread into a pan to enjoy as no-bake granola bars