Let me just preface this by saying, if you don’t like kale salads, then don’t eat a kale salad. And I get it! Kale can be bitter, taste like dirt, and all around unsatisfying as a meal, but I will say that there are a lot of bad kale salads and recipes out there. If you’re willing to give kale another chance, keep reading…

Have you ever gone to a restaurant, ordered a kale salad and absolutely loved it… Then gone home to try and recreate it only to come up with something that tastes like complete garbage? Well, you’re not alone. There are a few tricks that can help you maximize kale’s potential and cut through some of that nasty bitterness. Here are my tricks to a great kale salad:

  1. Remove your stems. Remove the thick center stem from each leaf. They’re bitter and tough to chew.
  2. Chop your kale into small pieces. This will help make it easier and more enjoyable to eat, and it also releases some enzymes that will breakdown some of the compounds that create that bitter flavor.
  3. Massage your kale. Add a small amount of olive oil and a pinch of salt to your kale and begin massaging it. Basically taking it in your hand and scrunch it around. This will help break down some of the structure, making it easier to chew and again releasing some of those enzymes. You will know you’re done when your leaves begin darken in color and release some moisture.
  4. One thing to note is that you can overdo this! If you do end up with soggy kale, transfer it to a mesh strainer and squeeze it a couple of times to remove some of that excess liquid.
  5. TOPPINGS! Find the right toppings and the right dressing for your kale salad. Keep in mind, you want to enjoy this salad, so don’t throw in a bunch of superfoods that you don’t like. Kale is LOADED with vitamins, minerals, and fiber already, so use healthy toppings that you ENJOY.

Here’s what I like…

  1. Healthy fats. Slivered almonds, roasted cashews, or maple glazed walnuts are my go-to options for salads.
  2. CHEESE. Find the right cheese for you, but my favorites include feta, goat cheese (especially a fun, honey blueberry variety), and parmesan.
  3. Fruit. Dried or fresh is up to you, but I find dried is best for winter salads and fresh is great for the spring and summer. My go-to’s include pears, apples, berries, and dried cranberries, (but check for added sugar).
  4. Something seasonal. You kale salad may be delicious now that it’s properly prepped, but let’s showcase a seasonal star! I promise it’ll distract you from the actual kale part… Here’s a quick list that I used based on the season:
    1. Fall/winter – roasted pumpkin, butternut squash, delicata squash, fresh apples, pomegranate seeds, pears, roasted beets
    2. Spring/summer – fresh berries, roasted asparagus, rhubarb, fiddleheads, fresh radishes
  5. Protein. This is optional, but if you plan on enjoying this salad as a full meal, rather than I side, I suggest adding a protein boost to fill you up and satiate you. Here are some options: grilled chicken, smoked salmon, tofu, tempe, edamame, chickpeas, beans and quinoa, steak
  6. Something extra. I always like to add some hemp hearts, toasted quinoa, or chia seeds just for good measure. This step is optional, but I find it’s a great way to sneak in an extra boost.
  7. Dressing. Dressing is huge, so find something that you like (I recommend reading ingredient labels if you’re going store bought). My go-to is homemade honey mustard dressing (4 Tbs olive oil, 2 Tbs balsamic vinegar, 1 Tbs raw honey, 1 tsp dijon mustard). Don’t add your dressing until you’re ready to enjoy because the only thing worse than bitter, hard-to-eat crunchy kale, is soggy, droopy kale.

Heck, by the time you’re done adding all these toppings, you may not even notice the kale! Hehe!

How to Make a Kale Salad that Doesn't Taste Like Dirt
Let’s be honest, kale can be gross. That’s why I am sharing my top tips for making a kale salad that is actually delicious!