What do coconut oil, stevia, kosher salt and popcorn kernels make? The perfect movie night snack! Introducing our Lightly Sweetened Kettle Corn. We LOVE popcorn, and it’s a whole grain, so we eat it totally guilt-free. We literally will eat an entire bag of this stuff. Lately, this recipe is our late night, sweet tooth go-to.


Here’s what you’ll need:

Coconut Oil


Pop Corn Kernels



We don’t really measure anything for this recipe…



  1. Heat your pot to medium-high heat
  2. Lightly coat pot with coconut oil – we suggest coconut oil because it is great for high heat required to pop popcorn
  3. Slowly add stevia to create a paste consistency
  4. Add a couple of kernels to ensure your heat is not too hot
  5. Once the kernels pop, cover add more until the pot is covered about 1 kernel deep
  6. Cover pot and allow popcorn to pop, shaking the pot occasionally
  7. Listen to the popcorn, and once the pops are spaced out to about 2-3 seconds apart, your popcorn is done!
  8. Remove from heat and lightly salt to taste

We do not have nutritional info on this recipe because we do not measure.

If you’re feeling fancy…

Add cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice for a fall-inspired popcorn


Add in some dark chocolate chips for extra decadence


Drizzle some nut butter over the top – because let’s face it, everything is better with nut butter!