We are obsessed with summer and beautiful weather. OBSESSED. We run around outside and soak up all of the vitamin D that we possibly can because between November and April, we don’t get any. While running around soaking up the sun, we find ourselves inspired by all of the new seasonal produce to choose from. These Triple Berry Pops are a perfect example of this, and they are super simple and super delicious for those hot summer days.


Here’s what you’ll need:

1 cup mixed berries (we used blueberries, raspberries, and strawberries)
2 cup coconut water
1/2 tsp Sweet Leaf Stevia peach mango water drops (buy them at your local grocery store or here)



  1. Blend ingredients together
  2. Pour into molds
  3. Freeze until solid


Nutrition Facts:

Total Servings: 8

Calories: 26

Protein: 0.1g

Carbs: 5.4g

Fat: 0.1g


If you’re feeling fancy…

Swap the coconut water for coconut milk to create a berries and cream pop


Swap the berries for your favorite seasonal fruits